Graduated, Now What?

Graduation Pictures, Images and Photos
Graduation Pictures, Images and Photos
Graduated, Now What?
Four dueling,
yet memorable years,
all leading to this day,
that's is said to pave the way.
The day where all the hard work and accomplishments,
left my pockets with only a button and some lint!

But as it pays off,
and the day arrives,
a sense of relief appear in our eyes,
in which cannot be disguised.
Along with excitement and cheers,
that filled all our ears,
from parents, faculty and friends.
Walking on that stage,
was a means to an end,
Earning the piece of paper,
which doesn't say goodbye,
but "I'll see you later!"

It opens the doors,
of hopes and dreams,
that is often said to be impossibly as is it seems,
but hey, the time has come,
no more second looks,
no more textbooks,
leaving them shut,
closed shut,
no, if's, and(s) or but(s)

I've graduated!!
Though, Now What?!!


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