Drizzles for Thought
After a wonderful event filled sunny weekend,
that will hopefully later end to fizzle,
and bring out the sun again and mend.
However, I didn't mind,
For me it was a moment to ponder and sit.
Drizzles for thought I called it.
Drizzles for thought,
on the important things in life,
-Important to me that is,
Which was,
Drizzles for thought on my perception on love and relationships,
which often sometimes is a feeling that can be a real b*t*h
" I want the real thing!", I stated the other day,
However, that was only an expression that burst out of frustration,
for an anxious temptation.
Surely that wasn't me,
because I have and certainly always,
been a lady with patience and hope,
that have learned to cope
with the things that are not in my control,
but are in the hands of a greater Being,
whom is continuously seeing,
our strength and compassion,
as we wait for things to be put in action.
But patience is a virtue,
therefore,drizzles for thought,
until something new...
and reconnecting with old friends while meeting new ones,
The following week started off with a few clouds and drizzles.that will hopefully later end to fizzle,
and bring out the sun again and mend.
However, I didn't mind,
For me it was a moment to ponder and sit.
Drizzles for thought I called it.
Drizzles for thought,
on the important things in life,
-Important to me that is,
Which was,
Building an inner self confidence,
that exudes my intelligence.Drizzles for thought on my perception on love and relationships,
which often sometimes is a feeling that can be a real b*t*h
" I want the real thing!", I stated the other day,
However, that was only an expression that burst out of frustration,
for an anxious temptation.
Surely that wasn't me,
because I have and certainly always,
been a lady with patience and hope,
that have learned to cope
with the things that are not in my control,
but are in the hands of a greater Being,
whom is continuously seeing,
our strength and compassion,
as we wait for things to be put in action.
But patience is a virtue,
therefore,drizzles for thought,
until something new...

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