Marital Mystery, " Alexandra's Project"

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"Alexandra's Project"
A marital mystery that unraveled it's layers,
as this myth of marriage,
wasn't an idea sought in her 

The focus on what others are receiving,
are appearances that can be decieving.
The efforts made to portray an all american family,
to the outside world,
resulted to her mind ending in twirls.
Routines and traditions are stifled,
the marriage and the children all left rippled.

This marital mystery, was proposed to set her out of her misery,
as actions were taken by a dissatisfied wife,
whom seeked to prove her worth,
 to a husband too self-centered to acknowledge her being,
Hence, this was something that he wasn't seeing.

" Play Me" was all that was written on a post it,
as the husband's arrival to an empty home, of no wife & kids,
left him with no other choice but to sit.
To sit and watch every bit of a video that displays,
the truth of a marital mystery,
That unfortunately ended up in misery.

Misery for the husband as it has been for the wife,
living a lie, as she went on with her life.
While this holds truth, it however has a second hand ring,
as the extent of the herioine's actions can be perceived as other things.
Her desires bacame less to do with the need to escape an oppressed situation,
and more to do with her drive to humiliate her husband –
a drive which us viewers are at liberty to consider either praiseworthy or psychotic
as Alexandra's project became more than a marital mystery logic.


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